ULE - all about aspects
Let's look at "Aspects" tab in ULE editor:
In this article we look at just one aspect. Let it be: "Jupiter trine Saturn". There are many things that you can do with this aspect (or any other aspect).
First of all, let us take into consideration the aspect�s orb; as an example I use here orb=2 degrees:
Look how this aspect works in time:
We see here all phases of the aspect's life (it begins-culminates-ends).
Now look at this part of the editor:
It allows us to analyze the time spans when this aspect (with the same chosen orb) is applying. Here they are
You can do the same for the separating aspect.
Another division is back and front aspects. I recommend to pay some attention to this division.
Set this option this way:
It means that you look at the same trine of Jupiter and Saturn, still with the same orb of 2 degrees. And you want to look at it when Jupiter is in front of Saturn. In other words, the angle between Jupiter and Saturn is 120 degrees, like this one:
Setting this you will get the other combination:
i.e. the angle between Jupiter and Saturn is now 240 degrees.
If you do not need this division, set this option . Thus
you will consider all aspects, back and front ones.
Now click this button:
Here you can define additional options for the aspects.
Set these options there:
Thus we set a new restriction on this aspect - Jupiter should be retrograde.
In other words you look for a situation when "retrograde Jupiter makes a trine aspect to Saturn (whatever direct or retrograde)"
Now set these parameters:
In this case the program will find the moments when "Jupiter located in the first Natal house makes the aspect to Saturn" (as you remember, the trine aspect).
In the same manner you can find the moments when Jupiter is located in specific signs of Zodiacs.
For example setting these parameters:
you may will find the moments when "direct Jupiter located in Fire signs of Zodiacs makes the aspect to Saturn".
Also if you plan to work with the moments of aspect�s culminations, set this
The program will mark culminations moments with vertical stripes:
So you see now how many different things can be done with just one simple aspect.