Bradley Siderograph - Part I
I believe the book by Donald Bradley "Stock Market Prediction" is the best book about financial astrology. He has done an excellent job, especially taking into account the fact that there were no PC in 1940s. First of all he has demonstrated that astrology really works. Second he has made this fact understandable to all people, not for small astrological community only. Each word in this book has some sense in comparison to many modern sources of financial astrology (where it is sometimes impossible to find any common sense at all). And I simply love his book!
In this mini class I want to show how to create models described in this book and then how to enrich them using modern math methods.
Solar Indicator
Let us start with the simplest example. We create the Solar indicator, i.e. the indicator that takes into account aspects of all plants to the Sun.
As always, we begin with downloading price history data. Then go to Universal Language of Events (ULE) module and run Events Editor (follow the steps shown on this picture):
You will get the Model Editor window where you can define easily practically any astrological event. Let it be the event: "the Sun makes a trine to Jupiter with the orb=15 degrees".
Simply follow these steps to define parameters:
After calculation you will get the diagram that shows how this aspects appears in time:
This diagram shows as well the strength of this aspect starting from the wide orb=15 degrees to culmination:
This is the evolution of this aspect. Now, try to click this button in Model Editor:
and choose "Triangle" item there. Click "Calculate" once again. You will get another diagram for the evolution of this aspect:
In practice I use "Synodic Curve" (which is what D. Bradley used) and "Triangle" orb figures, I believe they are the closest to real aspects effect.
What we have now (the mini-indicator that shows the dynamics of the Sun - Jupiter's trine) can be improved. Let us consider "the Sun makes good aspects (sextile, trine) to other planets". Follow these steps:
You see this indicator looks much more interesting: there are moments when the Sun aspects several planets, and it makes this curve more irregular:
However, it is not Solar indicator yet. Together with the "good" part, we should consider "bad" aspects as well. Thus, our new player in this game sings its song: "the Sun makes bad aspects (square, opposition) to other planets".
I think you can form this event yourself, the only thing I would like to remind you is to click "+" button (not "replace"):
Now we have two singers on the scene: L1 with its aria about "good" aspects, and L2 who sings about "bad" aspects.
Now we need to know the balance between "good" and "bad" aspects. Mathematically we perform subtraction between good and bad aspects.
Simply type L1-L2 formula and click "Calculate". Here its is:
This is how the duet of two singers sounds.
We have considered here "good" and "bad" aspects. But - what about the conjunction? This is the strongest aspect, and we definitely should consider it. According to classical astrology approach, conjunction is bad when it involves "bad" planets (Mars, Saturn, Pluto) and good with "good" planets.
So we need to create two more events: L3 "the Sun conjuncts Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune" (do not forget to click "+" button!):
and L4 "the Sun conjuncts Mars, Saturn, Pluto":
Again, we need to calculate the balance between "good" and "bad" players:
Our "Solar Indicator" is almost done; we need to consider just one more thing. According to the classical approach, the strongest aspect is conjunction, so it would be good to record that the voices of conjunction singers are louder than others. In order to do that, modify the formula this way and click "Calculate":
Thus we make the voices of L3 and L4 singers twice louder
The "Solar Indicator" is ready. This is how it looks like together with the price chart:
To hide L1, L2, L3, L4 terms and to be able seeing the final indicator only, set "All items" option OFF.
You can save/restore your work using these buttons:
Bradley Barometer
The technology of creating of Bradley Barometer is practically the same. We simply consider all planets, not the Sun only. For example, to form the event "planets make good aspects to each other", fill out the same form this way:
Do not worry, the program will calculate all planetary pairs and gives you the summary effect of all these "good" aspects.
I leave it to you to create other events for all planets. The window with these events should look like this:
Bradley also used the declination factor; he took it as "half of algebraic sum of the given declinations of Venus and Mars".
To define Venus declination, set these parameters "Angle Diff./Orbit" tab:
Thus L5 event is Venus declination.
The same way I have created L6 term as Mars declination.
This is how the final formula looks:
I simplified this formula. Originally Bradley considered conjunctions in a special way (see "Valency of conjunctions" table in his book). You can easily reproduce this table creating more terms.
Also you can play with final formula varying coefficients, orb for each term to get better projection line. I do it very often. However I believe that we need to apply here other technologies that allow to reveal the most appropriate coefficients automatically.
Even this projection line looks very good:
We must to go further. Welcome to computer era!
To be continued in the next Class.