Timing Solution: Learning curve
written by Sergey Tarassov
Timing Solution software is an open system that allows you to perform all necessary work regarding stock market analysis and forecasting. This system is constantly developing due to our ongoing research and feedback from our uses. Traders who have been with us from the end of 2004 are witnesses as to how much this system has been changed from that time. The following is the introduction to this system for new users. It shows a quick way to start using this software to your benefit.
Downloading the price history
When you buy the program and run it first time, you will get this window:
The program supports about 400 text formats, Metastock and CSI formats. Also now we support e-Signal data feeding.
To get the additional info regarding formats click here; regarding e-Signal data feeding click here.
After downloading price history, click "Calculate" button. Now the program is ready to work with.
ULE/SuperSearch: checking any hypothesis
This module allows to evaluate any hypothesis. For example, you may be interested to know how the speed of Saturn in Geo coordinates affects Euro/USD rate. For this purpose, use one of these buttons:
You will get the "Model Editor" window. There you will be able to set a lot of astronomical/astrological events. See this example. Two events are defined there that represent Saturn speed and Saturn change of speed (acceleration):
When it is recorded, it is easy to draw the speed diagram and the diagram of speed change for Saturn, together with the price chart:
The variety of events that you can analyze is huge. You can work with aspects, planetary positions/ingresses, planetary phases, cases when the planet is direct/retrograde. You can work with fixed math cycles as well. This module allows you to create different types of models, from very simple to complicated ones like Bradley siderograph or a model based on Solar system barycenter (that model has impact on inflation factor, see here the details).
I would recommend to start working with TS from this module. This is the ABC of this software; more complicated modules like Neural Network use these events as a base to create more advanced forecasting models. Besides we constantly add new events here, making you able to create new models.
There classes regarding this module. Follow this link: http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Study/; see there Universal Language of Events (SuperSearch/ULE) section.
Astronomy: revealing astro cycles
This module allows to reveal astronomical cycles and make the forecast based on astronomical cycles. Click on this button to get access to Composite module:
You will get this diagram that shows the Annual cycle:
In the Main window, in the bottom, you can see how this Annual cycle works:
This module allows analyzing different astronomical cycles that involve different planets and different Zodiacs (like geo, helio, right ascension, declination, planetary phases). Usually we check all cycles one by one looking for the most important cycles for the analyzed financial instrument.
The most important thing is that we can combine these astro cycles to get the composite forecast, like this one:
Here you can see the forecast based on 5 astronomical cycles (Annual cycle and four synodic cycles for Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Venus).
This is a very powerful technique, more information about this technique is here.
I highly recommend to study this technique because the models based on astronomical cycles provide the most reliable projection line.
Classes regarding this module are here: http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Study/; see Astronomical Cycles (Composite) section.
Some users use a lot "Planetary Wave" technique. Follow the menu: "Solutions"->"Revealing Astro Cycles". The program itself performs the analysis for all astro cycles and displays the list of the most important ones:
Double click on any cycle; you will get the projection line based on this astro cycle only:
You can find more about this technique here: http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Uphistory/u_10.htm; see Planetary/Cyclic waves topic.
Spectrum: revealing fixed cycles
When somebody tells you "20 days cycle is extremely powerful for some stock", we need to understand what it exactly means. Usually the distance between different turning points is calculated. In the reality, the situation is much more complicated. Timing Solution provides the wide variety of tools to work with math based cycles.
The most mathematically correct approach is the usage of Spectrum module:
You will get so called "periodogram" that shows what cycles are the most important for the analyzed financial instrument:
The peaks on this diagram point at the most powerful cycles. The higher and narrower this peak is, the stronger cycle we have. Practically, you can see immediately four the most powerful cycles for Euro/USD; they are 64, 109, 171 and 269 days cycles. The lime stripes on the bottom of this diagram show the astronomical cycles. Therefore, you will get as well some hints regarding astronomical cycles that may affect Euro/USD. In our example, 109 days cycle corresponds to 1/4 part of Mars geocentric cycle.
If we know these cycles, we can use them for the forecast. The simplest way is the usage of "Harmonic Box".
Click on this button to extract these cycles and then on this button to make the forecast based on these cycles. You will get this:
The black line is the forecast based on extracted cycles. In the bottom of this window, the program shows all these fixed cycles separately.
You can read more about this technique here.
This technique allows a lot of variations. We cover practically everything that can be obtained from fixed cycles. Here are all steps explained for getting the forecast based on fixed cycles (so called Spectrum model): http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Study/Spectrum/index.htm
Also there are possibilities to create visual cyclic models. You may find one of them if you following this path: menu "Tools"->"Easy Cycle". Here you can draw harmonic waves by mouse, like this:
The explanation is here: http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Study/Easy_Cycle/e_c.doc
Also there is a possibility to draw more advanced waves through "Charting Tools" panel. Like this:
The explanation regarding charting tools is here: http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Uphistory/ts_charting.doc
Automated Solutions
To make the process of creating the forecast easier, we provide the automated Solutions. Here they are:
For example, if you would like to get an automated forecast for Spectrum model, you need to define several parameters:
a) Target - this is what we want to forecast. We can make a forecast for any kind of oscillator (this is recommended for trended markets), or volatility, or something else.
b) Style (options) - these are the most important parameters used for Spectrum model. The more detailed information regarding styles is here: