Many useful things (astronomical, astrological techniques)
Planetary Lines module
This is one of the most used modules. It allows to display the planetary movement overlaying the price chart, like you can see on this picture (Mercury planetary lines):
The involved planets, Zodiac type, scale and harmonics are very important parameters there:
Besides that, the Planetary Lines optimizer module analyzes thousands and thousands of planetary lines and finds the best fit to your price chart. Look at this example:
In this example the program analyzes 42.000 different planetary lines; it has found only four planetary lines that fit your price chart. To do this huge computational job manually is practically impossible.
This module is explained here:
Astrological techniques module
It is possible to see the astrological situation for any chosen moment. Click the left mouse button somewhere on the price chart, and the program immediately recalculates the chosen prediction techniques for the chosen moment of time:
You may analyze many astrological techniques here - things like transit, progressed chart, solar art etc., use different Zodiacs like helio centric, declination, right ascension, use different harmonics.
More information about this module can be found here:
Phenomena module
You can perform more detailed astrological analysis using standard astrological techniques. The program displays the stock market data together with planetary positions in Zodiac:
as well as planetary positions in terms, faces, duads, the Moon (or any other planet) ingresses to Zodiacal degrees (which is useful for intraday trading) and many other phenomena.
Upcoming Events module
The "Upcoming
Events" module performs the statistical analysis for hundreds of
astrological phenomena and shows how they may affect the stock market in the
The Easy Expert module analyzes thousands of events and displays the summary effect of all analyzed phenomena this way:
Up and down arrows represent up and down events.
Ephemeris module
It is possible to generate ephemeris like these ones:
Timing Solution Calendar
You can easily create the calendar of astronomical/astrological phenomena. This is a sample:
It is very simple to create Timing Solution calendar. Follow these steps:
a) Click ULE button:
b) and open the library of standard events:
c) Choose "Templates for TS Calendar" section and highlight any item there:
d) Pay attention to this record: "recommended time tick is 1 hour", we will use this information. Click this button
set the time interval there (TMin,TMax buttons) and set TICK SIZE parameter to 1 hour as recommended:
e) Set Natal chart (if you use it):
f) Click "Calculate":
g) Calculate ULE events and click "Calendar" button:
Here it is:
You can customize these calendars adding your natal chart info and your own ULE events
Square of Nine module
Tools -> Square of Nine
This module is explained here: